Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Hello dear readers,

I just realised that almost all of the pieces I featured in my Bags For School post are not available in Singapore, and it occurred to me that for readers outside the US the same problem might exist. We definitely want to cater to as many of our readers as possible, so I was just wondering if you could possibly leave comments on this post, in which you tell us which country you're from? Apart from it being such an ego trip for us to find out how far and widely we're read, it would be great if we could make sure to include some items which are available internationally! This is especially in consideration of the fact that we're hoping to do lots more 'request posts' in the future!

Muchas gracias in advance :)

The College Wardrobe


post a comment
from Blogger Sarah:
new reader from canada
from Anonymous Anonymous:
I'm from Ireland. <3 your blog. :)
from Anonymous Anonymous:
another Canadian reader. I love this blog!
from Anonymous Anonymous:
Also a Canadian here. Great blog.
from Blogger Angela:
from Anonymous Anonymous:
ditto on singapore!
from Anonymous Anonymous:
Canadian reader here. :)
from Anonymous Anonymous:
I'm from the U.S. I just found this site but I'm going to bookmark it to see what you come up with!
from Anonymous Anonymous:

pls post more singapore-related posts! :) been following your blog..
from Anonymous Anonymous:
Australia! (the only one :P) Please, if you can, highlight when sites have international shipping...