Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Where are you studying?
So this is kind of cool and a little bit creepy, but I did promise that I would use the sitemeter to sinisterly stalk my readers, so today I found out that I could see which university networks were logging onto this blog!

It's only compiled from the last 100 users who visited my blog, though, so here it is:
University Of Wisconsin-Madison
Cornell University
University Of California At Berkeley
New York University
Washington University St. Louis
Boston University
University Of Connecticut
Vanderbilt University
University Of Maryland
Mcgill University
Temple University
Northwestern University
University Of Chicago
University Of Southern California
University Of Missouri-Columbia
The George Washington University
University Of Massachusetts
University Of Pennsylvania
Yale University
Emory University
University Of California San Diego
Mary Washington College
Madison County Schools

I'm really glad that my blog's reaching readers from all over the country and in Canada as well! And I think it's a really interesting aspect of writing a college fashion blog, to discover that so many girls who must be extremely smart, educated and ambitious also have an avid interest in fashion. I love that always being stylish - frivolous as some people denounce this to be - doesn't have to be divorced from conventional measures of success. Though of course we can't forget that fashion is an expensive hobby so the pursuit of academic and financial success is not something many of us can afford to turn our noses up at!

So I'm curious - whether you're at one of those schools or another one altogether inside or outside the US, leave me a comment telling me where you're studying and a little bit about college fashion at your school. Even if 'college fashion' is a completely alien concept where you're studying, tell us about some of the walking fashion disasters you've seen. Let's entertain each other, ladies!


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from Anonymous Anonymous:
I love this blog! I'm studying Business Administration at York University in Canada :D.
from Anonymous Anonymous:

I love your blog -- please update more!!

I'm at Temple U studying finance.

As far as fashion goes here, some people have it, others definitly don't! It's very very mixed. I guess that comes with living in a city.
from Anonymous Anonymous:
I'm at The George Washington University, in DC. I'm studying international affairs, art history.

Fasion at my school:

This is by far the most popular look:
Spandex leggings or juicy sweats worn with t's and flip flops or Uggs, poof in the hair, sunglasses(usually aviators or Chanel), oversized sweatshirts.

For those who don't go for the "rolled out of bed" look:
Lots of dark nails, leggings, empire waist babydoll dresses, skinny jeans, designer jeans in general and ballet flats.

Also, suits because, well, it is DC!
from Anonymous Anonymous:
Love the blog, I'm your Washington University in St. Louis reader, studying economics and political science.

Fashion here is pretty much the same - leggings, not pants, longish shirts doubling as dresses, poofy hair, designer handbags, etc.
from Blogger rynmelody:
hi there..

Found your interesting blog review on this mag CURRENT, checked it out coz i read tt u was from singapore.

i'm now an exchange in Arizona State Uni..

keep blogging babe~

from Anonymous Anonymous:
Just started reading your blog. I'm at The University of Texas in Austin. Style and Fashion in general is pretty weak here. Typically girls come to class if Soffe shorts or designer jeans, flip flops (havianas or rainbows) and a frat/sorority t-shirt with the i-tried-to-make-this-ponytail-look-messy look.

My friends and I tend to follow the trends (thank goodness.) Lots of leggings, dresses, empire waists, longer/tuinic tanks, ballet flats, vintage boots, dark nail polish, J brand skinnies, long necklaces.

Keep up the posts!
from Blogger Sarah:
i just finished at university of toronto. engineering, grad school.

fashion in my program? don't even ask.
from Anonymous Anonymous:
I'm at the Radboud University Nijmegen in Holland. I guess that makes me the only one who is not from USA or Canada.
Anyway keep up the good job!
from Anonymous Anonymous:
I'm at Swarthmore College in Pennsylvania where fashion is....present, but very rare.

Nevertheless, I kind of prefer the not trying at all look to the overly trendy, juicy sweats and leggings under miniskirts looks that characterized my california high school.
from Anonymous Anonymous:
I'm a second year student at Temple University studying Psychology.
The fashion here varies greatly from those who wear sweat pants and uggs to girls in skinnies and great flats or boots.
In general I think since we are in major city people are definitely well informed on trends and various fashions but rely heavily on forever21 and urban outfitters for style guidance. One store from head to toe is rarely cute.
from Anonymous Anonymous:
hey! I'm a freshman at Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona, Spain. I'm studying Advertising and Public Relations...
And the fashion here is very varied, there are all kinds of people which makes it very interesting!
from Anonymous Anonymous:
Your readers are not only from American Uni.

you have an avid reader here all the way from the National University of Singapore! Majoring in English Literature.

fashion here: ummmm. let's just say it's unifromity for girls (i.e waist belts, daisy dukes, flip flops) and i don't even wanna mention the boys. heh.
from Anonymous Anonymous:
Want a good laugh ? try visiting any Asian city and see how Oriental girls dress and try to figure out exactly what they were thinking when they got dressed.

I see more clown outfits on Asian girls 18-24 than any other group.Is it that they try to distinguish themselves from the other 4 billion black haired same looking females ? I suppose so. Keep it up though.We need the laugh and we need a model group so wwe can do the opposite to what they do. HAh HAh