Wednesday, November 15, 2006
UK Vogue and other random things

I want - no, I NEED - a copy of the UK Vogue 90th anniversary issue. However, my campus bookstore doesn't carry it. Do regular bookstores in the city carry UK Vogue or will I have to call my mother and implore that she pick me up a copy in Singapore and keep it waiting for me in December?

I miss living in a relatively more international city. I could get UK Vogue, Australian Voguem, French Vogue or Italian Vogue whenever I wanted and all pretty easily. Or maybe it's just that I knew where to get them. UK, US and Australian are all available quite widely at newstands in Singapore though. French and Italian are harder to find but I knew where.

I can't wait for December! Much as I love fall dressing, I'm excited to briefly be able to lounge around in skirts and cute little t-shirts or tank tops. And flip-flops! (Much as I love heels and boots and all that jazz.)


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from Anonymous Anonymous:
i'm new to the site thanks to "Almost Girl" which linked me to your blog! I really want the new Vogue too! I live in San Francisco where there are a ton of great magazine stores and I haven't seen the new edition in stores so I guess it hasn't reached the U.S. yet:)